

shared_future() noexcept;
shared_future(std::experimental::shared_future<T>&& f) noexcept;
shared_future(const std::experimental::shared_future<T>& f);
shared_future(std::experimental::future<std::experimental::shared_future<T>> && other) noexcept;
shared_future(std::experimental::future<T>&& f) noexcept;
1) Default constructor. Constructs an empty shared_future object that does not refer to a shared state.
2) Constructs a shared_future object, transferring the shared state held by f, if any. After construction, f.valid() is false.
3) Constructs a shared future that refers to the same shared state as f, if any.
4) Constructs a shared_future object from the shared state referred to by other. The resulting shared_future object becomes ready when one of the following happens:
  • other and other.get() are both ready. The value or exception from other.get() is stored in the shared state associated with the resulting shared_future object.
  • other is ready, but other.get() is invalid. An exception of type std::future_error with an error condition of std::future_errc::broken_promise is stored in the shared state associated with the resulting shared_future object.
After this constructor returns, valid() == true and other.valid() == false.
5) Constructs a shared_future object, transferring the shared state held by f, if any. After construction, f.valid() is false.


f - another future object to initialize with
other - A std::experimental::future object to unwrap


See also

constructs the future object
(public member function of std::shared_future)